The topic of human health is widespread and current, and everything starts with a correct and healthy diet. Useful products for male potency should contain certain substances and vitamins, the most important of which are:
- vitamin A;
- Vitamin E;
- C vitamin;
- vitamins of group B (especially B1, B3, B6, B9);
- selenium element (daily dose for men up to 100 mcg);
- mineral zinc (dose 15 mg per day).
If you go to a pharmacy and buy such a complex, but at the same time eat fast food and drink carbonated drinks, there will certainly be no effect, as the pharmacy vitamins will not be fully absorbed and will not interact.For complete assimilation, you need to eat exactly healthy foods for men's potency.

Useful products that increase potency in men
Seafood:oysters, shrimps, mussels, squid. They act as aphrodisiacs, in addition to zinc and selenium, they have amino acids that act on the formation of testosterone and sperm, increase sexual desire, as they also contain the hormone dopamine.
Fish:flounder, mackerel, salmon. This fish contains many vitamins A, B and E, omega-3, omega-6 amino acids, zinc, iodine, phosphorus and in the optimal amount of balanced proteins, which positively and effectively affect sexual activity. To fully preserve all the necessary substances, it is much better to steam fish.
Meat(venison, beef, lamb, rabbit, chicken, turkey). It also has aphrodisiac properties, has a positive and good effect on the function of hormonal activity and contains trace elements in large quantities.
Turnip.Thanks to everything in its composition, this product also affects the formation and function of testosterone, increases libido, performs a general strengthening function for the whole body. It also excites intimate attraction and turnip seeds.
peanuts(walnuts, nutmeg, peanuts, pine nuts, cashews, hazelnuts). They have a maximum of vitamin E, B, magnesium, zinc and arginine, which plays a role in the production of nitric oxide to achieve an erection and prolong sexual intercourse itself. The biggest benefit will be if you eat these raw products to increase potency (so they won't lose their value), you can lightly fry them.
Vegetables, or cabbage, onions, carrots, celery, garlic, peppers and asparagus, which act on a hormonal level, an intimate attraction. You have to eat every day as a main dish or side dish. A special place and role should be assigned to celery, which includes androtestosterone.
Chocolate.Only dark chocolate is useful for increasing potency in men, as it contains antioxidants, in addition to theobromine, a substance that causes a feeling of love and increases sexual function.
Fruits and berries:grapes, bananas, strawberries, raspberries. They act on the endocrine system, they also have the optimal amount of vitamins and beneficial trace elements, antioxidants. It should be eaten raw and dried. Fresh watermelon juices also have an excellent effect on sexual activity, which contains the amino acid citrulline, which increases erection.
Egg(quail, chicken). One of those products that allow you to prolong sexual intercourse, get a lot of orgasms, increase sexual function with the help of amino acids, iron, phosphorus, which are in their composition.
Perga, honey.They contain many different proteins, simple carbohydrates, which provide all the right energy and improve blood vessels and blood supply to the penis, which has a great effect on erection. To increase intimate function and achieve the desired result, it is necessary to eat at least 10 g of this product.