Lack of erection is not a cause for panic. There are a number of factors that affect similar ailments in the body, one of which is malnutrition. It is important to know which foods increase erection and which ones are advised to avoid. Many medical specialists, when treating patients with a similar ailment, first of all insist on changing their diet.
The impact of products on erectile function
For more than a hundred years it has been known that food can affect the potency of men. The right diet for the stronger sex contains a lot of useful vitamins and minerals. Vitamins of groups A and E have a beneficial effect on reproductive function, and B - contributes to a better impulse through the nerve endings. It is important not only to control which foods are used for nutrition, but also to prevent overeating or, conversely, deprive the body of the microelements necessary for this.

To restore sexual strength in a man, it is important that food includes the optimal amount of protein and components of plant origin. In addition, mineral elements such as magnesium, zinc, calcium and sulfur must also enter the body with food. These important elements have a beneficial and correct effect on the immune system, restore the sexual abilities of representatives of the strong half of humanity. Vitamin C is no less useful for potency, it activates the production of the hormone - dopamine, which is responsible for male libido. At the same time, the nervous system is strengthened, which makes it possible to increase resistance to stress to many factors and situations in life.
Selenium is another essential nutrient. It has a positive effect on the quality of seminal fluid, maintains the normal functioning of the genitourinary system. The above components necessary for male sexual health are easily purchased at the pharmacy in the form of a vitamin-mineral complex, but this will not be enough for the body. It is important that these trace elements come from food, while attention should be paid to the fact that human nutrition is fractionated (4-5 times a day). The menu must combine various homemade dishes with sufficient calories.
List of products useful for erection

Enhancing male sexual potency is primarily recommended by defining the optimal serving size. An excessive amount can adversely affect the functionality of the digestive system, which allows you to assimilate only a part of the microelements received and cause an increase in fat deposition. All meals must be nutritious, contain the optimal amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Before you start creating a menu, you need to decide which products increase erection.
Quail eggs are considered the most useful for potency. A man should eat 15-20 scrambled eggs a day, while it is recommended to stop eating mayonnaise and bacon. You should not replace them with normal chicken ones, as they contain cholesterol, which negatively affects the functionality of the cardiovascular system and the functions performed by the member. In addition, these quail products are able to remove from the body substances of the stronger sex that increase hemoglobin in the blood, restoring blood pressure and strengthening the immune system. Additional products that enhance erection include:
- Nuts - Almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios and peanuts are considered the most useful. They contain a large amount of vitamin E, which can activate the production of the male hormone testosterone.
- Fresh fruits and vegetables. Bananas help to cause an exciting effect. Coconuts have a positive effect on the quality of semen. Berries (strawberries, raspberries) help increase testosterone production.
- Seafood - a beneficial effect on male sexual activity. It is advisable to give preference to shrimp, oysters and mussels. They include useful trace elements and saturated acids, which are essential for stable potency.
- Dairy products. Cheese, sour cream, and kefir are considered to be the best helpers in maintaining potency. The beneficial effect is due to the presence of lactic acid bacteria in them.
- Meat and fish. It is better to dwell on leaner varieties of fish: mackerel and flounder. Among the meats, veal and beef are considered the most suitable.
No less useful types of individual seasonings that can increase a man's sexual desire: mint, anise, red pepper, cloves, ginger, cardamom and cinnamon. In the cooking process it is important to check the amount of salt present, it must be small. Meat and fish are best steamed, and as a seasoning, it is recommended to give preference to cold-pressed oil, which does not cause cholesterol deposits.

Fresh fruit deserves special attention. A diet based on these foods can normalize the male reproductive system and eliminate all sexual problems. Some of them increase the testosterone levels in the body.
Onions are good. It has the ability to balance the hormonal background in the human body. For consumption it is used pure or as an addition to dishes, especially in scrambled eggs. The component is able to increase erection, and in combination with eggs, the benefits increase significantly. Garlic also helps restore male sexual power. This product has been considered an excellent aphrodisiac since ancient times. However, for maximum effect, it is important to observe several conditions in the cooking process. Honey has another beneficial property. It includes a huge number of therapeutic properties. The action of the bee product can be enhanced when combined with other components. Among the dairy group, cheeses, curdled milk, cream and sour cream stand out in particular. Yogurts do not affect the state of potency in any way.
To maintain male sexual strength, it is recommended to take special herbal preparations. All kinds of infusions and decoctions are made from them. One of them is considered to be an aqueous solution based on clover, mint and nettle. The cooking process does not take a lot of time and effort. It is enough to brew 5 teaspoons of the mixture in a liter of boiling water and insist for a quarter of an hour. Reception it is desirable to carry out several times a day, a glass. Many medicinal herbs have a similar effect: wormwood, calendula, St. John's wort, immortal and valerian.
What foods impair potency

Representatives of the strong half of humanity often include in the diet foods that negatively affect male potency. First of all, those trace elements that are dangerous for the whole organism as a whole become dangerous for an erection. The most harmful are crackers produced by industrial production, which have various flavors. They are capable of causing sexual impotence. Products such as mayonnaise, french fries, fast food actively slow down the production process of the male hormone. Among the harmful drinks are those that contain caffeine, with a greater presence of gas, energy varieties. They contribute to the development of impotence. They reduce the erection and provoke the onset and development of cardiovascular pathologies.
Alcoholic beverages, mainly beer, have a detrimental effect on erection. The components that make up its composition can disrupt the hormonal background in the human body. The presence of a so-called beer belly in a man indicates a decrease in the level of testosterone production and the production of female hormones is provoked. Do not abuse flour products, as yeast, acids and sugar are used for their preparation. Smoked foods have no less harmful effect on the body. The liquid smoke contained in them causes a decrease in sexual activity and adversely affects the functionality of the genital organs.

It is recommended to give up food products that clog blood vessels and thus disrupt the blood flow process, the same thing happens in a man's penis. In this case, the following are excluded: butter, fatty meats, canned fish, sausages, margarine and other foods containing genetically modified foods.
It is recommended to limit some foods, but it is not necessary to completely remove them from the diet. These include cow's milk (more than one liter per day is not allowed) and soy (the composition includes female hormones).
All products that have a negative effect gradually reduce male potency. At the same time, they negatively affect the entire human body. First, the cardiovascular, endocrine and hormonal systems are affected. Harmful foods reduce the function of spermatozoa and the production of seminal fluid.
An example of a healthy diet
Diet options were specially developed to maintain the health of representatives of the strong half of humanity. They differ not only in the mass of useful characteristics, but also in taste data.

For breakfast, a man is advised to eat oatmeal in milk or scrambled eggs cooked with onions. It is also allowed to eat rye bread with cheese from the products. As a drink, pomegranate juice or green tea is suitable. The second breakfast can include a cottage cheese and berry casserole. If desired, this combination is replaced with fruit with kefir or freshly squeezed carrot juice.
For lunch, veal borsch is allowed to be cooked, and this type of meat is boldly cooked with lemon juice. Even at lunch, the strong half is needed to eat a portion of a salad created exclusively from green vegetables. Instead of compote, it is better to use citrus or other fruit juice. The next meal is an afternoon snack. In this case, a handful of dried fruits or nuts with honey, which are pre-crushed, will do. For dinner it is recommended to cook fish (boiled or steamed). It is allowed to stew vegetables with meat and prepare herbal teas. A small amount of red wine is allowed.
In addition to the fact that representatives of the strong half of humanity need to eat right and balanced, it is important to monitor optimal physical activity on the body. Thanks to the activity, the blood circulation process improves, the tone increases, and the whole system heals in general. It is imperative to give up existing bad habits.