According to statistics, in a large part of the male population, sexual capacity and erection decrease significantly by middle age, which is very important for men. But today this problem also affects relatively young people. A decrease in libido is influenced by many different factors: alcohol abuse, alcohol, improper diet, excess weight, etc.
Most often, having felt the onset of symptoms of the disease, young people try to cure it on their own, avoiding going to a specialist and considering this problem shameful. Potency can usually be managed with medication. But many male representatives use folk recipes for potency, which has a very noticeable effect and saves the family budget.
Preliminary stages of treatment
Before increasing potency in men, i. e. starting direct treatment, it is recommended that you fully consider your lifestyle to get the maximum effect from the results. Why should it:
- get rid of stress and depression as much as possible,
- work out,
- set the correct series of products (beef, poultry, liver),
- avoid cigarettes and alcohol.
It is better to include in the diet seafood and fish, vegetables (parsley leaves, celery, rich in vitamin B), greens and fruits. To increase potency, it is reasonable to simultaneously establish proper nutrition, a daily routine, use folk recipes to increase potency.
Benefits of herbs
In practice, herbal decoctions have been shown to be no less effective for increasing potency in men, affecting blood vessels, blood outflow and muscle relaxation. Most often, plant tinctures include a broad spectrum of action, while practically eliminating side effects on the body. However, you must first consult your doctor to avoid an even greater decrease in libido.
Here are some examples of herbs for male potency:
- Ginseng root has long been famous as a powerful product of sexual desire. To increase potency, tinctures and various teas using this plant are used. Because it is recommended to mix half a tablespoon of chopped ginseng root and 300 gr. Honey. This mixture is infused for 10 days. Additionally, the herbalist is consumed three times a day for up to two months. Experts note a positive improvement in the general condition and the elimination of sexual disorders.
- Nettle herb to increase potency is used both separately and with the presence of other types of medicines. One tablespoon of nettle is infused in a glass of boiling water. Therefore it is necessary to extend this dose to three doses per day. The tincture has a good effect on the urinary system and improves the metabolism of the body. Traditional medicine turned out to be a surprising result in increasing potency in men.
- The most useful plant for health is thyme. Its inflorescences are carefully dried, then a spoon is poured with a glass of boiling water, which is desirable to stretch for the whole day. Apply a proven infusion should be six months. The thymus has a preventive effect against prostatitis, impotence and prostate adenoma.
- Calamus roots are also used for potency in men. Calamus roots (1 part) insist on alcohol (5 parts) for 14 days, then take at least 20 drops three times a day for 30 days. Well-peeled roots are enough to simply chew up to three times a day. Calamus significantly calms the upset nervous system and improves a man's potency.
- To increase the potency of a man, another option is also noted - ordinary garlic, which is enough only for chewing a few cloves every day.
- Pumpkin seeds, used in different ways, perfectly develop reproductive function, causing further sperm production.
On average, the course of treatment of ailments in men with folk remedies lasts from ten days to a month. But it is important to remember that it is first of all necessary to take into account the presence of possible allergic reactions to phytotherapeutic stimulants.
Sexual attraction: common measures
As you know, not only herbal infusions help to increase potency. There are still a huge number of folk recipes on how to deal with a dangerous and unpleasant disease:
- Popular recipes for increasing potency include white wine tinctures, which act as stimulants of sexual desire, starting their action immediately after taking. The drink is made from a liter of white wine mixed with 200 grams of fresh orange juice and 0. 5 cups of lemon juice. In the resulting mass, add 2 tablespoons of honey, a tablespoon of liqueur, peppermint leaves and 1/4 teaspoon of ground cloves, cardamom or cinnamon. Heat the mixture a little on the stove, without letting it boil. Then the drink is put in the refrigerator for three days, after which it is carefully filtered and drunk immediately before sexual contact. Representatives of the stronger sex who have tried this method note an excellent effect.
- A powerful tool for increasing libido, this, of course, is honey, which acts as an extraordinary stimulant of the reproductive system. You need to take 0, 5 kilograms of nuts, aloe plant juice (100 gr. ) And about 300 grams of natural honey. The resulting mixture should be consumed at least 40 grams per day. Similarly, honey, scarlet and red wine are combined in a ratio of 2: 1: 3, then left for 14 days and drunk before meals.
- The increase in the potency of folk councils occurs with the help of a well-known topic - a mustard patch, which also prolongs the erection. You just need to attach them to the feet, which stimulates increased blood circulation from the legs to the genitals.
- How to increase a reduced craving will be suggested by a popular decoction of Dubrovnik. About five tablespoons of dry powder are mixed in one liter of water and set aside for two days.
- Hawthorn decoction. Put the flowers in a container, pour some cold liquid and leave for ten hours. Then boil for 6 minutes, wrapped in a towel, leave for half an hour.
Baths and packs to improve desire
Experts recommend treating potency with folk and rather original methods. As an example:
- In order for the strong half to have no problems with potency, you should take a bath with infused bay leaves. To do this: add 50 grams of dry lavrushka to a liter of boiling water, then add the solution to the bath, where you need to soak for about 30 minutes.
- Increase your libido with a regular piece of ice Yes, it's very simple: chop the ice into small pieces and wrap it tightly in cheesecloth. The resulting compress is applied alternately to the chest, neck and scrotum for one minute, repeated five times.
- The application of honey is a solution of honey (200 grams) in a lira of water, which greatly improves youthful strength. Moisten a napkin with a mass of honey and apply it to the base of the penis for 10 minutes 2 times a day.
- A simple tip: put the finely chopped garlic (1 kg. ) In a three-liter jar pour boiled water over it. The jar costs a month and is shaken every day. Drink a teaspoon every day.
summing up
But it should be borne in mind that most of the daily products that are consumed in the diet include small amounts of substances for male potency and increase the production of the hormone testosterone. You can enrich your intimate life much more with the presence of onions, garlic, fruits and vegetables, an assortment of nuts and a variety of fresh herbs in your diet.
Erectile dysfunction, i. e. impotence, is the inability to maintain the function necessary for sexual contact or its complete deficiency.
A man's potency can be easily regulated with drugs. Before resorting to the medical process, it is possible to advantageously increase potency with folk advice, which is a natural and less safe option. They combine a whole range of functions: anti-inflammatory, improve blood circulation. But keep in mind: each specific situation requires an individual approach!