Sexual activity, male power, ability to have sexual intercourse, male sexuality - all these terms can be replaced by one word: potency. Good potency allows you to lead a normal and healthy sex life.
The influence of many unfavorable factors (stress, smoking, drug addiction, promiscuity, taking certain drugs, chronic diseases, etc. ) leads to a violation of potency in the form of a decrease or disappearance.
Most often, men painfully endure these conditions, close themselves off and postpone a visit to the doctor on the back burner. In such a situation, it would be nice to ask traditional medicine for advice with its vast wealth of useful and effective recipes accumulated over more than a century.
Folk methods of increasing potency can be combined without side effects.
Restoration of potency by folk methods
To begin with, it is necessary to eliminate all possible factors that negatively affect potency: stop smoking, stop taking alcohol, drugs, try to avoid stressful situations as much as possible, rest, etc. And already at this stage, you can feel the increase in potency.
The basis of treatment with folk methods is phytotherapy. Folk remedies for increasing potency include many recipes based on medicinal plants.
- Ordinary of Dubrovnik. The herb (4 tsp) is poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled for 5 minutes. The filtered broth is taken before meals in the amount of ¼ cup four times a day.
- Cannabis seeds. To increase the potency, fried seeds in a pan are used.
- Yarutka camp. There are several recipes that use different parts of the plant:
- a glass of boiling water pour chopped grass (1, 5 tablespoons), insist 4 hours. The filtered broth is taken at 7: 00, 12: 00, 17: 00, 22: 00 for 1 tsp;
- crush the leaves and fruits of the plant into powder and take 0, 1 g each, reception hours: 7. 00, 14. 00, 21. 00.
- Norwegian maple. A glass of boiling water is poured on the young maple leaves (1 tablespoon L), the leaves can be both fresh and dry, insist and take ¼ cup at 7: 00 am, 2: 00 pm, 9: 00 pm.
- Ru. A glass of boiling water is poured on the crushed dry grass (1 tsp), insisted and drunk instead of tea.
Additionally, sexual function is restored by sandy sainfoin, forest anemone grass, yellow capsule, flat-leaved eryngium grass, and parsnip roots.
A noticeable increase in potency is observed when taking certain foods:
- Honey is an excellent tool for restoring male strength, it is used both internally and in the form of applications.
- Carrot. Carrot juice combined with honey works wonders when used regularly.
- Porcini. A positive effect on potency when using white mushroom was noted by our ancestors several centuries ago.
- Nuts are folk remedies that increase potency and are often used by Caucasian men.
- Chocolate is a dessert for two.
- Chicken scallops. Boiled chicken scallops are a very powerful stimulant for male sexual activity.
- Spices and spices - cinnamon, ginger, anise, parsley, red pepper - all cause an increase in potency.
Folk remedies for increasing potency do not bypass essential oils: sandalwood, ylang-ylang, clove, jasmine, bigardia. They are used for inhalation, added to the bath, used for massage and rubbing.
Restoration of potency by folk methods is not complete without physical methods of influence:
- Daily contrast shower.
- Gymnastics and special exercises.
- Jogging in the evening.
- Regular sunbathing.
- Foot massage or barefoot walking.
Aggressive folk remedies for increasing potency - mustard plasters, which are applied to the lower abdomen, after lubricating the skin with oil and kept for 10 minutes. This is a quick and effective method, but should only be used in exceptional cases.